

God, I am in love with these adorable Swedish sisters. They have almost angelic voices that manage to be both soft & sweet and rich at the same time. I can't stop listening to them, and prancing around the house singing their version of Fleet Foxes' "Tiger Mountain Peasant Song" (only when no one else is home and I can be obnoxiously loud). They're quite young, I can only imagine them growing and developing musically over the next few years. Great female folky indie, CHECK IT! At the very least, look them up on YouTube.

First Aid Kit - Tiger Mountain Peasant Song (Fleet Foxes cover)
First Aid Kit - You're Not Coming Home Tonight
First Aid Kit - Cross Oceans


Anonymous said...

A good post on FIRST AID KIT
I did come across a websitehttp://www.gotoaid.com/. It’s has all information on first aid emergencies. It has information on Human emergencies and even for pets like cat or dog. Hope it help you guys too.

Signature: Online First Aid Kit

cara said...

lol no