

highlight of the day:

My friend/carpool buddy Stonie gifted me with this amazing dress today. I'd say that if any one article of clothing had to define me as a person, it would be this. It was an Urban Renewal piece, and if you cannot tell, it was originally a big man's button up plaid shirt. LOVE IT MORE THAN LIFE.

low point of the day:

Please watch this video of Michael Eric Dyson and Pat Buchanan discussing the recent comments made by Attorney General Eric Holder regarding the issue of race in the United States. Major props to Dyson for calmly and intelligently defending his point. I'm reading his book his book Debating Race right now, and while I'm only a few chapters in, I am already very impressed with how well spoken and knowledgeable he is. The book is going to be a great read. Buchanan on the other hand was a major disappointment, he made a total ass of himself. Yeah, telling Dyson he needs to work on "fixing" his people is really professional, dickwad.

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