

eyez 4 breakfast! my favorite way to start the day!

i loveeee the colors in this. plus its just cute & frilly with a twist of gore and i want it.

ADAM + EVE by cupco. god i love cupco. he's an amazing australian artist who makes all these cartoonish and kitschy dolls. if i had some spare cash i would get some of his stuff for sure. and if he wasn't married (im pretty sure? ), i would be shouting "MARRY ME CUPCO!" from the mountain tops cause i love his art that much.

a puppy in cheeseburger shoes. kinda explains itself.

here's another artist posting beautiful pieces on flickr. agov is from ukraine, he makes art on paper, but also in the streets and in the form of little weirdo wood figurines. & HOLY CRAP. this guys style is so amazing. its simple, with really bizarre creatures and patterns & its just lovely. please check out his stuff.

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